Why Get Involved?
Why should you get involved in our mission? Read below for more information.
The Problem
Throughout the country, there are numerous individuals who do not receive the same quality of services offered to the community because of language barriers. Regardless if those services are educational, legal, or medical in nature, individuals who are Limited English Proficient ( LEP) receive lower quality service care due to language differences. The most impactful way to solve this community problem is to provide trained interpreters to organizations that work with Limited English Proficient communities. However, there are often not enough trained interpreters to meet community needs.
Our Solution
Next Generation Language Access aims to solve this problem by providing professional interpreter training to high school students so that, upon graduation, they will be equipped to work as interpreters and alleviate service inequities due to language barriers. Next Generation Language Access aims to raise $5,000 to cover the cost of training a group of 10-14 eligible and multilingual high school students. This cost covers student workbooks, textbooks, interpreter trainer fees, and language proficiency tests for all students, making our interpreter program free for them to attend. We cover this $5,000 cost through a combination of community fundraisers ( such as language classes and interpreter workshops), our partnerships, and donations.
Your Contribution
By getting involved, whether that be by taking a language class, participating in a workshop, or a small donation, your contribution helps to give students access to an exciting and growing career as an interpreter, and thereby helps ensure that everyone can receive the same quality of services offered to the community, regardless of the language they speak. Please see below for a list of ways you can get involved and thank you for allowing us to train the next generation of language interpreters.
How to Get Involved
Ready to get involved? Click below to see the various ways you can get involved and make a difference!