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Our Mission

Across the United States, there is a growing need for Limited English Proficient (LEP) people to access community services.  Various limited English speaking communities have faced increased barriers to accessing the community services they need (social services, medical services, educational services, etc) due to language barriers.  The lack of trained and  available interpreters to bridge communication gaps has fueled the lack of quality access needed by the LEP population . Next Generation Language Access (NGLA) was created to meet this need by providing high quality interpreter training to bilingual high school students. NGLA aims to provide students with a viable career opportunity upon graduation from high school that will both emphasize their inherent bilingual skills and fill the need for professional interpreters in community settings. As such, NGLA aims to train the next generation of professional interpreters that will help decrease nation-wide gaps in equitable language access.

Class in Progress

                                           Organizational Objectives

                                              NGLA will fulfill its vision by meeting the objectives listed below:


1.       Students will complete 80 hours of professional interpreter training based on the Community Interpreter International with a licensed interpreter trainer.  Students will also complete a resume and cover letter during the training program. 

2.       Students will demonstrate mastery of the Community Interpreter program content by completing a written evaluation regarding all the content presented during the Community Interpreter Program.

3.       Students will demonstrate proof of language proficiency by taking the Oral proficiency interview (OPI) or OPIc as provided by Language Testing International. Students will score at least Advanced Low on the language proficiency test.

4.       Students will complete a 20-hour practicum to gain realistic work experience that will enable them to apply the content learned in the 80-hour Community Interpreter program.

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