Join Our Team!
Next Generation Language Access ( NGLA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide high-quality interpreter training to bilingual high school students so they can pursue a career as a community interpreter upon graduation. In order to fulfill our mission, NGLA offers a wide variety of volunteer positions. If you are interested in building your language skills, supporting students, and/or supporting the interpreting profession, consider volunteering in one of our departments below!

Teaching and Mentoring
Language Teacher*
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week
Description: This position creates and delivers language classes online to adults around the world! This position is ideal for those that like to teach their native language and/or would like to pursue a career in language teaching in the future. Volunteers of all languages are welcome, although we are currently prioritizing ESL ( English as a Second Language) and Spanish teachers. Language teachers are free to design their own lessons for their classes.
Career Advisor*
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week
Description: Are you looking to be a role model for young people who want a job in your field? How about helping them craft the perfect resume? This position gives volunteers an opportunity to help students prepare their resumes, cover letters, and interviewing skills for future positions. Volunteers use their expertise in their line of work as well to help community members understand terminology used in their line of work. This volunteer position is ideal for those that want to share their job knowledge and want to give back to the community. All professions are welcome to volunteer in this role.
Volunteer Participant
Time Commitment: 30 minutes to 1 hour, based on individual’s availability
Description: Have you ever wanted to take a language class for free? How about role-play as a teacher or doctor? This position provides opportunities for our language teachers and interpreters to improve their skills. Volunteers will either decide to take a language class with a volunteer teacher or be a participant for a student who is in interpreting training. Volunteers in this position will receive requests (which include the date and time) and can accept or decline requests based on their availability. This position is ideal for those that have varied schedules but would like to volunteer as a student or interpreting participant upon request.

Marketing and Partnerships
Social Media Manager*
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week
Description: Ready to use your social media skills to interact with people around the world? This position creates, publishes, and responds to social media posts regarding the events being held at Next Generation Language Access in different languages. This position is ideal for those that have strong literacy skills in English as well as Spanish/Portuguese, have experience doing social media outreach, and have a desire to develop their language abilities in a second language or pursue a language-related career.
Community Outreach Liaison*
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week
Description: This position creates and manages relationships with NGLA donors and community partners. In addition, this position manages NGLA’s newsletter. This position is ideal for those that enjoy community outreach, have strong literacy skills in English as well as Spanish/Portuguese, and enjoy communicating and engaging in cross-cultural conversations around the country!
Content Creator*
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week
Description: This position creates advertising materials in different languages (flyers, posters, etc) to attract potential volunteers, donors, and students to our amazing events! This position is ideal for those that are creative, are interested or have experience in advertising, and have a desire to develop their language abilities in a second language or pursue a language-related career. We are currently seeking volunteers who have strong literacy skills in English as well as Spanish/ Portuguese.
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week
Description: This position writes texts in different languages to attract potential volunteers, donors, and students to our amazing events, inform the community about the importance of language access, and help compile language instruction and interpreting instruction materials. Copywriters write text about topics such as: articles/texts/newsletter announcements about languages, teaching foreign languages, interpreting, reviews of language related events for the website, social media, partners' media, etc. This position is ideal for those that are creative, are interested or have experience in copywriting, and have a desire to develop their language abilities in a second language or pursue a language-related career. We are currently seeking
volunteers who have strong literacy skills in English as well as Spanish/ Portuguese.
Interested in more of a leadership role? Take a look at our leadership positions!
Steering Committee Member Position
Time Commitment: 4 hours per month
Description: Steering Committee Members serve a vital role in deciding the direction that the organization goes in and having a direct impact on its daily operations. Your participation in this leadership group will have a huge impact on our donors, partners, and students we serve! Steering Committee members work in at least one of three departments: Teaching & Mentoring, Marketing & Partnerships, and Interpreting & Curriculum Development. Each member manages at least one of the NGLA volunteer positions or independent contractors within their department.
Program Coordinator Position
Time Commitment: 12 hours per month
Description: Make a difference in the life of a high school student or an adult professional in this integral position! Program Coordinators use their event planning and logistical skills to assist our interpreter trainers during interpretation sessions as well as manage NGLA departamental programs.

Next Steps
Below is the process for joining the NGLA team:
1. Complete the volunteer application
2. Attend an interview
3. Attend an orientation for your position
4. Begin your NGLA position!
Each individual must successfully pass the first step in order to move onto the next.
Information Sessions: Teaching and Mentoring
Would you like further information about the positions in this department? Click below to attend one of our free online information sessions. Information sessions are held every Monday ( in English & Spanish) and every Friday ( in English & Portuguese) at 7:30pm EST.
Information Sessions: Marketing and Partnerships
Would you like further information about the positions in this department? Click below to attend one of our free online information sessions. Information sessions are held every Friday ( in English & Spanish) and Saturday ( in English & Portuguese) at 6:00pm EST.
Information Sessions: Steering Committee Member
Would you like more information about this leadership opportunity? Click below to attend one of our free online information sessions. Information sessions are held every Tuesday in English at 5:00pm EST.